

The secrets of 4 shelf placement techniques in supermarkets that double the number of customers every day are revealed!

I believe that most of my friends did not make full use of the space in the early planning of stores and warehouses, so that they encountered many embarrassing problems in the later use process.

For example, the two people who store and pick up goods in the warehouse often block each other, which affects the efficiency of storing and picking up goods; another example, because the shelf position in the store is unreasonable, the shelf itself does not make good use of its own advantages to divide the crowd Effective diversion will lead to the crowding of people entering and leaving the store. If there is a peak period, it will directly lead to the loss of customers due to crowding. Warehouses and department store shelves have a common similarity, both for better display. 

The placement of convenience store shelves is not only for aesthetics, but also for the comfort and convenience of the entire shopping environment. Therefore, it is necessary to fully display the information and characteristics of the products when placing them. The products must be classified clearly to provide convenience for customers to find the target products. There must be enough smooth passages between the shelves, so how should the shelves be placed?

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1. Arranged in a single row - forming a U-shaped moving line 

Only a set of Nakajima shelves are placed in the center of the convenience store, and wall shelves, air curtain cabinets, cash registers, etc. are placed around it, which is very suitable for creating an exquisite small convenience store. Placing the shelves in this way can form the only main channel in the convenience store, and customers entering the store are bound to go deep into the store along this channel to browse more products.

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2. Arranging in one word - forming a mouth-shaped moving line 

Placing multiple sets of shelves in one direction will not only make the convenience store look neat and orderly, but also have a certain sense of regional integrity. Placing the shelves in this way will naturally form a main aisle for customers to walk to the right, and there are multiple secondary aisles between the shelves, which is especially in line with people's usual shopping habits. When there are many customers, there are multiple secondary aisles. It won't be crowded either.

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3. Island-style placement - forming a figure-eight moving line 

Some convenience stores have obvious pillars in the center. At this time, the shelves or products can be placed in one place of the store to form a correspondence with the pillars, thereby weakening the abruptness of the pillars. 

A passage is formed between the pillars and the convenience store shelves, and customers will not miss the products displayed behind them no matter whether they walk around the pillars from the left or the right.

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4. Arranged side by side - forming a traveling line 

In a convenience store of a certain scale, multiple sets of shelves need to be placed side by side, so that the convenience store can look rich in products, and the shelves that are well-spaced and well-spaced are not easy to make customers feel boring.

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Consumers generally believe that the experience of convenience stores is more important than the price of goods, and providing a comfortable and convenient shopping environment through reasonable shelf placement and moving line design is the most attractive way to attract customer traffic, just like the placement of storage shelves. Although the target audience is not consumers, it is also to improve internal operation efficiency.

Post time: Jun-25-2023