

  • Why are the shoe racks in shoe stores always so charming?

    Why are the shoe racks in shoe stores always so charming?

    Different styles of clothing match different shoes, especially women’s shoes, which include sports shoes, high heels, flat shoes, casual shoes, single shoes, sandals, Martin boots, snow boots, etc. In shopping malls or department stores we will find a dazzling variety of shoes. Different shoes ar...
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  • Global display rack industry market size, speed statistics and prospect trend analysis in 2023

    Global display rack industry market size, speed statistics and prospect trend analysis in 2023

    1. Market size of display racks  Anyone who knows the display rack industry knows that display racks have developed rapidly in recent years. With the development of the economy and the improvement of people’s quality of life, the requirements for decorative items are getting higher and high...
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  • Jewelry rhyme, exhibition with emotion;The jewelry on the jewelry display stand is more beautiful than ever

    Jewelry rhyme, exhibition with emotion;The jewelry on the jewelry display stand is more beautiful than ever

    Nowadays, with the development of economy and the progress of the times, people not only pursue food and clothing, but also pursue beauty. There are many definitions of beauty, including inner beauty and outer beauty. Inner beauty requires time to accumulate and self-cultivation; while outer beau...
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  • Application prospects and 8 major characteristics of supermarket shelves

    Application prospects and 8 major characteristics of supermarket shelves

    Supermarket shelves, as the name suggests, refer to the shelves where goods are placed in the supermarket. In the early days, people in China often referred to the current supermarket shelves as counters. With the improvement of current living standards, the materials and styles of production ha...
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  • Two common types of cosmetics display rack designs

    Two common types of cosmetics display rack designs

    From ancient times to the present, it is human nature to love beauty. As early as primitive times, humans have known how to use some special things to decorate themselves to make themselves more beautiful. Therefore, makeup is a long-standing female beauty technology, and cosmetics are constantly...
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  • The height of the display rack is limited by the store space

    The height of the display rack is limited by the store space

    In order to choose the appropriate height of the display stand, we also need to consider the size of the store space where the display stand is used. Factors such as the height of the store’s ceiling are one of the factors that directly affect the height of the display rack. If the ceiling ...
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  • The height of the target group affects the height of the display stand

    The height of the target group affects the height of the display stand

    When you go to the supermarket, do you encounter such a problem: the product you like is placed on the top floor, and you need to spend enough effort to take it down, or as a merchant, you want to The product you want to sell is always gathering dust in the corner, and no customers will notice it...
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  • Product size determines display stand height

    Product size determines display stand height

    In daily life, product display racks can be seen everywhere. Some of them are close to 2 meters tall, while others are only about 30 centimeters tall. Why are they both product display racks, but their heights are so different? Ultimately, the main determining factor is the product itself. If the...
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  • Three influencing factors of display stand height

    In the field of store displays and product displays, the height of display racks has always been an important consideration. As time and people’s thoughts change, the height of the display rack has also undergone many changes. In the beginning, the height of the display rack was mainly base...
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  • Revealing 3 common types of eyeglass display stands

    Revealing 3 common types of eyeglass display stands

    Nowadays, with the development of technology, many people wear glasses. According to statistics, the United States ranks first in the world with 75% of myopia people, followed by Japan, France, the Netherlands, Germany and other European and American countries. The propo...
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  • Three secrets for display rack sales

    Three secrets for display rack sales

    In a store or exhibition space, space is a valuable resource. Display racks can stack products vertically or display them horizontally, maximizing space and allowing more products to be displayed in a limited area. Therefore, a large number of display racks flood into our sight. But not every dis...
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  • Three common methods for maintaining clothing display racks

    Three common methods for maintaining clothing display racks

    When shopping for clothes offline, what kind of clothes and stores are you usually attracted to? Many people may say that they like the clothes at first sight. Usually, the probability of buying the clothes you like at first sight will be greatly increased. What is the reason? In fact, in additio...
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